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The Reason to See Your Friends box makes sure that you have a planned and prepared event ready to go. Each month you will receive a box following a theme with an activity, game, tableware, recipes, a playlist, and more. It will always be packed with fun, surprises, and conversation starters.


The "Packed House" package is built to take care of everything. Cross the "t's" and dot the "i's." Each month brings serveware, decorations, tableware, and fun for everyone.  Package is built for a group of 24.


This package can be purchased as an individual box, or as a subscription box, so you don't have to worry about planning ahead. Subscriptions can be monthly, every 3 months, or every 6 months.

Reason to See Your Friends - Packed House

PriceFrom $495.00
Price Options
One-time purchase
Monthly Reason-PH
$495.00every month for 3 months
Every 3Mo Reason-PH
$550.00every 3 months until canceled
1/2 Yr Reason-PH
$550.00every 6 months until canceled
  • Each month will have a new theme. Sneak peeks will be provided on the product pages and via social media.

    November 2023: Laugh S'more, Worry Less

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